With a lot of summer left you probably have been fine till about now and you want to stay in touch with your friends (Y/N). If yes here are just a few ways to keep sane.
1. find some place to meet if its a connection flight in their area or your both in the city call,emai,or im to connect.
2. Make a aim or .mac account for ichat and use it
3. a. Find some online game to meet in (sure its not real life but it will work)
b. here's some ideas:
Pirates Online: a cool website, if you don't want to don't pay
Add some!
4.Use the list on list part #1
5. ( oh boy here comes the expensive one...) Plan a trip with both your families to go to the same place its hard but it just might work if you keep at it with your parents (AKA : NAG THEM!!!)
Edited by: Cellis
c u in september bye for now, MPS